This is me. I believe in God and that He has a plan. I don’t know what it is, but I trust Him. He has never let me down.
If I could be anywhere it would be with my family and friends. They are most precious and I value them.
Hubby and I live in the country, where a lot of life is simpler and always has been.

Old ways and old ideas are the rule here, I treasure and enjoy them, as I treasure and revere those who left their mark on Sunrise Ridge and the surrounding area.

I hope to share some of it with you in this eclectic mix of things.
I love a lot of things… I quilt, write stories, read, do other hand crafts like knitting and crochet, cook, and hunt deer and rabbit. When I’m not doing that, I want to be camping! Get the picture? I am defintely an old fashioned woman, dedicated to oldentimes!

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