Category: ugly

Yes I am aware that this picture appeared yesterday, in a post titled “Where has she gone?”

The old house, empty and alone made me sad. The scraps of living lost to time, losing the struggle against decay.

It seemed so sorrowful staring from empty windows at the overgrown yard. Watching the flowerbeds fall back to woodland, unable to keep the weeds at bay without human help.

It’s dreams all over,the family, the laughter and even the tears gone. The only visitors,  vandals who had destroyed the windows, knocked holes in the walls, wrecking havoc on something once loved and valued.

It can be safely said that I do not like spiders. Especially BIG spiders! The only thing worse than a BIG spider is a BIG spider in the house.

This critter required a hunting trip! I said a little prayer and stalked him in the hallway.That is my hand in the picture so you can see how big he is!

I got rid of him not any too soon

There have been a lot of cars in my life. Most people my age can say that, I suppose. Currently we do not own a car as such, just our trucks…

However, back on December 10. 2010, I wrote a post about a now retired ‘car’ we own, you might want to check out her story,     Betsy the beast, our old, trusted and beloved Ford Bronco took us many miles. Yes, we still have her, and I still say if I win the lottery, I will have her restored to her glory.


This is a Storm at Sea block created for our Guild’s “ugly fat quarter” challenge, and the “lovely” fabric I drew at the challenge.