Category: faith and blessings

I woke up at 2:30 this morning. The full moon was brilliant and beautiful. So bright it cast shadows across the yard. I had to go out and take a few photos.
Then I had to stop and consider how our Lord created the moon and stars to remind us of His watchfulness in our lives. He is always there, just like the sun, moon and stars above. No matter that a few clouds obscure the sight, He is there!

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It has been a long week on Sunrise Ridge. Epic cold and snow deep and fluffy has kept me inside for the most part.

Oh, there has been plenty to ‘do’, but at some point cabin fever sets in.

Then there was, picking at the back of my mind this coming Monday,  Chrysta’s birthday.  Yesterday, while prepping for more unpleasant weather, I had an idea. That idea led to posting this request on social media:

‘Throwing this out there. In November, daughter Chrysta passed away. She was a loving caring woman, filled with compassion.
Monday would be her birthday.
In her memory, I challenge all of my friends to ‘pay it forward’.
Do a random act of kindness for someone this weekend.
Feel free to share your blessings.’

Grandson Brett and I are making cookies for him to share at the Sheltered Workshop where he is employed.

Someone is donating blood, another made soup and shared with a neighbor… many great ideas.

I know Monday still looms in the future, no doubt there will be tears, but the idea that we are celebrating a life well lived doing things she would do is comforting.

Feel free to join this birthday party and share your blessings with someone and in a comment here.

I walk into the kitchen for more coffee.
Hubby greets me with “It’s 2 below right now.”
“And you think I want to know that?” is my reply.

And it doesn’t really matter, the weather is something we have and can only accept.

Outside my window, sunshine, a few clouds zip across the bright blue sky in the wind.

Cardinals fluffed out to keep warm, stick close to the feeder and preen a bit in the sun.

I think, I can choose to grumble about the cold, or enjoy what is given to me outside that window.

I am warm, cozy and being treated to a lovely view. Things to be happy about, many do not have even this simple pleasure.

The mail brings catalogs of garden seed, poultry and crafts to contemplate over the coming days. Winter will pass.

Daylight arrives a bit earlier and lingers longer, Spring will come , it always does. All is well!

Yesterday, we had a comedy of error and overwhelming blessings.
What might have been a very ‘wasted day’ turned out well. God stepped in and moved our mountains, just like he has promised to do!
Grandson was scheduled for some tests at a hospital, some 60 miles from home.
When we arrived, there was a power outage (caused by squirrels getting in a transformer). Backup power was being supplied by the on-site generator. Only a few lights were on and procedures were being severely limited.
No computer access in the radiology department meant there was no record available of the order for his test. A technician found a battery powered computer and brought it up. Order found, registration completed!
After a number of minor glitches, his echocardiogram was begun, only to have the generator go down, sending everything into oblivion. A few minutes later, the generator was back up and running; test completed!
We still needed to complete a request for his old medical records from another state. All the medical offices were closed due to the power outage. A staff member heard us explaining this problem and came out with the needed forms which we were able to fill out. Assurances were given that everything would be on the proper desk on Monday morning

We have been camping. Hubby’s brother and wife joined us for a few days on the Mississippi River in south east Missouri.
We camped near a ferry landing, and were entertained by a number of the folks waiting to make the crossing to Kentucky.
Yesterday afternoon, the ferry had to shut down due to weather. High winds made white cap waves.
This brought about a rather interesting and somewhat sad turn of events.
This young couple are making a bicycle trip across the United States. They started in California, and are traveling the backroads and smaller highways to reach North Carolina.
They were quite disappointed that the ferry was closed, and asked if we would sell them some bottled water for the 30 mile unplanned leg of the trip to get them to the nearest Mississippi bridge crossing.
Of course we gave them water, at no charge and got out a map to help them find the shortest route.
While we chatt4ed, I mentioned I have a daughter living in California, and another just moved from NC. I asked if they had been on a certain road the day before, and they admitted to having stayed in Ellington MO (our neatest town) and being on that road. Hubby and I had noticed them riding along that road.
I wish I had sent my address and had them send a card when they reach their destination, but I forgot.

I got up this morning, having tossed and turned for quite a while. What sleep I got was riddled with dreams of two people I knew in high school. Both of whom have been undergoing some unpleasant things this nearly 50 years later.
I bothered me, and an e-mail from one of them, regarding upcoming surgery bothered me even more.
Why, you might wonder? Our high school class was small, many of us still keep in touch. Especially now that we are getting older.
What to do on those kind of nights? Well, honestly, most of the time, I lay there in the dark and pray for those who were in my dreams or on my mind.
Sometimes, after a while, I can go back to sleep. On nights like the one just passed, I finally get up and put on the coffee.
can always hope that there will be a nap waiting somewhere today.

If you counted the presents for my birthday, or what was wrapped up under the tree, it looked pretty meager.
If you count the well wishes, cards and calls, the family time, the home made food and cake, it’s a whole different story!
Hubby kidnapped me one day last week for an adventure with the camera. Hiking through snow near Current River, watching wildlife and exploring old buildings. A picnic lunch and ‘time’ to rnjoy the world of winter together.
No, no one took me out to eat, son-in-law made lasagna and the grandkids made a cake.
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Family time, visiting, playing checkers and mancala, sharing thoughts, ideas, laughter, plans and love.
No one got me anything fancy or expensive, but I was very pleased to get craft supplies that will be used and are a pay it forward. More than likely someone else will end up with the things that will be made from them.
I did not make a Christmas dinner, we gathered for a pot of chili on Christmas eve, and enjoyed a dinner made by our daughter and grand daughter on Christmas day.
I don’t need a lot of ‘things’ anymore. I can count my blessings, be grateful for what I have and be very content with it. I am blessed and life for us on Sunrise Ridge is good.

Standing with my parents, siblings and other relatives on a cold windy November day.
Surrounded by white markers in the “Soldiers Circle”, my grandmother stood at the stone for my uncle. A bombardier, shot down in the European theater during World War II.
Prayers, then an official intones the names of those fallen men from foriegn battles. At many stones a family member answers “Here, Sir” as the roll call goes on.
Then later in the day, a parade, honoring the living as well as the lost.
A day of solemn tribute.
More wars have been fought since then and this day has lost much of the significance it once held.
Go out, find someone in uniform or wearing a ball cap showing they are a veteran, walk up and say “Thank you”. Without them, your life would be very different.

Well, my friends, it is still raining. The plinking or thundering sound of drops on the roof has sort of lost its pleasure. Walking on wet sponges was never much of a favorite thing to do and looking at the creek rushing where our road is supposed to be does not fill Hubby or me with elation.
Now that I have had my chance to grump and grumble, I will tell myself the blessings. I do not have to do laundry for a family and try to dry outside on a line. There was a time…
I don’t have to ‘go’ anywhere. We have food, water, a generator (just in case) and plenty of fuel for cooking.
I have crafts and books to keep me from going ‘stir crazy’.
There is the computer and phone for ‘outside contact’.
There have been moments when the sun has come out, sparkling on the water drops and a rainbow has arched across the sky. So I know that there is blue sky and God has not forgotten his promise.
I think the blessings outweigh the inconvenience.
I will wait, the rain will stop, and no doubt there will be a day we will wish for it to return.

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Today on our walk, Hubby and I came across a troup of ballerinas, pirouetting just for us.
Clad in gossamer, swaying in the slightest breeze, these delicate ballerinas dance.
I look at them and see not only the beauty in these blooms but the promise of ripe gooseberries to come.
Chubby, tart, basketballs of purple and green.
Sturdy enough not to crush when picked and make a jam or jelly with a distinct tangy flavor.
Two patches endure, and have for 30 odd years, over at the ‘old house place’ where my late mother-in-law first started them.