Category: wildlife

Many years ago, Hubby, two daughters and I lived on Tom’s Creek Road, in rural Reynolds County Missouri.

The road wound and twisted through a small valley, passing a few homes and small farms. Tom’s Creek itself, roamed across fields, along the roadside, looping and singing as it wended along.

Driving the road at night, one would often find a deer or several grazing along the roadside edge or a passing fox or coyote racing across the open space.

The year we lived there, the kids often played in the 6 – 8 inches of water that slipped over rocks near our house. Once or twice rainstorms raised the flow to the top of the 2 foot bank separating our little cabin from the then rushing flow.

Winter brought a couple of ice storms that made leaving impossible without 4 wheel drive; there was no other way to get over the hills at either end of the road.

Fast forward now, Forty-five years or so…

This past weekend, I traveled another Tom’s Creek Road. This one in West Virginia and due to a malfunction with GPS.

In the dark hours of early morning, the unit directed a left turn onto Tom’s Creek Road. Grandson, Randy, my driver and I mentioned how odd/funny/interesting that was. You know, ‘here we drive 800 miles only to find ourselves right back home.’

This one came off a small mountain, filled with several sharp curves and many many deer congregated quite often in the middle of those curves. I did not actually see the creek in the darkness, assuming it was somewhere below the steep edge of the road hugging the mountain side.

There is another local road that fits the West Virginia Tom’s Creek Road, more than its namesake here.

Finally we reached the bottom and a small town near our destination. When we left, we went out the same way, finding that during daylight it was not quite so exciting, merely very picturesque and pleasant.


It’s a wonderful Spring Friday, sunshine, blooming lilacs and a bit of R&R as the busy-ness of a traveling week winds down.

On Wednesday our champion bronc rider, Rochelle Two Ropes, posted a photo for the rodeo known as Friday Fictioneers. The photo, this week, from Madison Woods is supposed to start our horses on to the event, to tell a story in around 100 words.

Not the easiest of challenges at times, sometimes that 8 second ride results in a buck-off. Mostly though we make it and hit the score card.

This week, a couple of down on their luck cowboys are preparing to do a days work.


Coffee. Lane clanged the tin cup against the battered pot. That was all there was.wire ff 4-22 Madison Woods

Hard work between rodeos!

High above, a hawk screamed a jackrabbit fighting in its talons.

“Food!” Clay thought, picking up his six-gun and shot.

The red tail dropped his prey, flying fast.

Lane shook his head, “Let’s get this done, back to the ranch for dinner”.


For more, from other cowboys, riders and clowns  Click here

Fellow Fictioneers, some of that busy-ness (translate to health issues and travel) may keep me from the usual round of comments. I will attempt to at least read and ‘like’ all the posts. M




nature photo challenge

Recently a friend challenged me to post a series of ‘nature photos’.

I went through my archived pictures and chose seven that I felt were rather ‘special’, at least they are to me.

Then, I added my all time favorite, the misty morning with the Bible verse.

No matter what the weather or the events of the day, it is important to find something GOOD in the day and rejoice.

A new year has begun.

I thought would share a couple of photos that I particularly enjoyed from 2015.



taste testing


It has been a few gloomy days here on Sunrise Ridge, fog, rain, more fog and more rain.

This morning the sun peeped out for a few minutes, then heavy clouds returned.

All that, and the appearance of one majestic pileated woodpecker, laughing loudly as he flew by. In a rare mood, this bird sat long enough to allow me to take his portrait.

His visit and a bit of sunshine, did a lot to sweeten the day

My beautiful picture
This little fellow was a recent visitor ‘out back’ in the woods east of our home on Sunrise Ridge.

Baby bluebirds
>blufbird 016 fledgling 2</a

Plenty of work for Dad to bring home enough groceries

jay in the peach tree 025 Mr. Blue brings food

Hubby and I spent a couple of days this week discussing planting the garden and the timing to do so.
I spent some time going over records and photos from ‘this time last year’ amazed by the way things were ‘bloomed out’ cimpared to what we are seeing this spring.

the bluebirds are hiding out today

the bluebirds are hiding out today

Waking up this morning to look out at a good coating of snow frosting the ground and trees, was a bit of a disappointment.
It isn’t over yet, no matter what, eventually spring will arrive – won’t it?

I had to take a few days off, but the busy blue birds have not.
It is time to build nests even if the weather is not very springlike. The challenge does not seem to bother them at all. They face tha chill wind, bravely. The pine tree outside where the nest box is is filled with their fluttering and chirping.
They seem to be more active in the mornings right now.

Mrs B. checks before taking off

Mrs B. checks before taking off

Mt. B gives some encouragement

Mt. B gives some encouragement

Bringing in nesting material

Bringing in nesting material

It was not quite like the Ray Stevens song, but it did bring this to mind in quite a unique way.
On a bright Sunday morning, it is not unusual to walk into church and be greeted with a variety of scents. People are dressed up, and aftershave, perfume and lotions have been applied.
Yesterday however, at our little rural church parishoners were greeted with something completely different and sinus opening. The church basement had been visited this week by a skunk, and this little black and white vandal had left its mark! The odor permeated the small building!
Febreeze and open windows on a chilly February morning got us through the morning service, without a hitch. In fact, we had a great and moving service.
Pastor has determined the unwelcome guest was no longer in the basement and the hole it had used to access the space has been closed.
At least we all hope so!