But before you get there, I want to thank Rochelle Wisoff Fields, the lovely and courageous manager of Friday Fictioneers.

Every week, she challenges folks to write a 100 word story. I admit I have not done this in quite a while, but todays prompt (you can see it at https://rochellewisoff.com/2022/01/19/21-january-2022/)

Long ago, a young girl learned how to read.

She read, a captive between the covers. Libraries and the local Bookmobile were her favorite places. All the worlds on printed pages. Past, present, future, Dinosaurs, dragons, dimensions of time and space traveled in her head.

She carried them, transmitting that love to other children.

Now, as we near the last chapter, here’ gathered on her bed, children old and young, to hear her read to them.

Soon, she will reach the final page, but the story will continue.